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Waterbed NEW

Big T

Thanksgiving 2017

Happy Halloween?

Dutch Oven

Car Manliness!

Guy News!

Fore Play Is Fair Play

Manatee Moments:Morpheus

PC Manatee

Steroidal Poink!(Video)

Twinkie The F*** Out!

State Of The Manatee!


Manatee Moments:Cookies

Big Nuts!

Homicidal McFlabby


Poink V Hugh

Quick Updates!

I'm still here, and the PoinkCast will have new episodes in the upcoming months. Life has gotten a little busy and I'm getting that under control; and I'm also working on a personal project that I will hopefully be able to unveil soon; it's something that I've been wanting to do for a long time and for the past few months, I've knuckled down and said, it's time to stop talking and start doing it. But I wanted to just give out a quick scribble to let folks know the state of the weasel and seacow.

The End Of An Era

Well, as recently announced, the Funday Pawpet Show has been retired. It's been a long run, 18 years of 4-hour shows, but I think my friend Yappyfox put it best here:pawpet.tv

It's been an incredible journey. I've been part of the show since the early days, and looking back on it, I have no regrets. I consider the cast to be some of my closest friends, and being able to go over and spend Sunday evenings with them, and to come into all of your homes and entertain for 4 hours on Sunday nights has been one of the greatest joys of my life. So many memories; meeting various celebrities, all the wonderful subserviants, the trips to cons for live shows and the Halloween and Christmas specials were just amazing. I will always treasure the time I spent doing the show, during both good and bad times. Plus, without my tenure on the show, I'd have never created Poink or Hugh, I'd have never tried standup, and I'd have never have created the PoinkCast. I thank you, one and all.

And, the PoinkCast. I've had a lot of people ask me about it; is it coming back, are you done with it, etc. Well, to be honest, there are a few reasons that the uploads have slowed down and there's been more time between episodes. Personally I've had a lot going on; work's been busy, have had car issues to deal with, working to get myself back in shape, and marriage(Love my Babs). And doing a 4 hour puppet show every week eats into that as well, along with a 2-hour driving time on top of that. Again, I loved every minute of it, but doing all of that does make it harder to come up with a seperate piece of comedy every week. Plus after it's written, and rewritten, and sometimes rewritten again, there's still the editing, recording, mixing, processing. A typical PoinkCast can take upwards of 4-5 hours of work, on top of the writing.


With the Funday Pawpet Show retired, I now have time to dedicate to resuming the PoinkCast on a more-regular basis. I've always wanted to do more with it; not just the regular episodes, but video stuff, video game streams, even interviews. I have multiple script ideas and full scripts in various stages of completion, including something I came up with months ago with a guest spot from a good friend. I'll work on polishing that one off first. I'll even take a few of my fans advice and set up a Patreon for equipment upkeep and the like. You all can help me with this; not just the Patreon; but tell people about it, rate it on ITunes, and please send me any ideas you might have! Some of my best podcasts have been inspired by folks like you. Also if anyone out there has some ideas on things I can do to update my website, again, message me.

So to answer the main items in order:

I will truly miss the Funday Pawpet Show. I raise a glass in toast to all of you; and who knows? Maybe at some future date, some con or some one-off thing, we'll see the gang get together once again to have fun with each other. I will keep the boys ready and waiting.

No, I'm not done with the PoinkCast quite yet. I'd like to think the best is yet to come.

And no...I won't miss the farts. Neither mine or the rest of the cast.

I love all of you. Onwards and upwards.







Poinkcast © 2007 - 2009 by Dan Boatright. All rights reserved. Site design by Erika Leigh R.
Last updated June 14, 2009 23:33

